From the Book - 1st paperback ed.
The Indian story : a cultural fiction / James A. Clifton
Pride and prejudice : the Pocahontas myth and the Pamunkey / Christian F. Feest
Squanto and the Pilgrims : on planting corn "in the manner of the Indians" / Lynn Ceci
A sweet small something : maple sugaring in the New World / Carol I. Mason
The United States Constitution and the Iroquois League / Elisabeth Tooker
Mother Earth : an American myth / Sam Gill
Liberty, equality, fraternity : was the Indian really egalitarian? / Leland Donald
Their numbers become thick : Native American historical demography as expiation / David Henige
Primal Gaia : primitivists and plastic medicine men / Alice B. Kehoe
A legacy of misperception and invention : the Omaha Indians in anthropology / R.H. Barnes
Validity is not authenticity : distinguishing two components of truth / Richard de Mille
Ethical advocacy versus propaganda : Canada's Indian support groups / John A. Price
Inside BIA : or, "we're getting rid of all these honkies" / Stephen E. Feraca
When fictions take hostages / Allan van Gestel
Europe's Indians / Christian F. Feest
White ghosts, red shadows : the reduction of North-American natives / Jean-Jacques Simard