Thinking skills for professionals
Palgrave Macmillan
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From the Book
pt. 1. Original ideas. 1. Reprogramming our thinking : Designing solutions, not finding them ; Patterns and pattern recognition ; Making mistakes ; Four rules ; Simple systems -- 2. Asking the right questions : What type of question is it? ; Is there a better question? ; Whistleblowing ; Bribery -- 3. Generating ideas : Questioning: a structured approach ; Routine questions ; Compiling a trigger list ; The power of questions ; Exploring different perspectives on different levels -- pt. 2. Structuring our ideas. 4. Causal thinking : The structure of our ideas ; Structuring our ideas ; Causal relations ; Practical knowledge ; Discovering causal relations ; Case study -- 5. Conceptual thinking, analysis 1: second-order thinking : What is a concept? ; Effects on our thinking ; Solving the most difficult problems ; Analysing concepts ; Open and closed concepts -- 6. Conceptual thinking, analysis 2: the three-step technique -- 7. Conceptual thinking: synthesis : Creating new concepts ; Synthesising ideas under concepts ; The way it works, three rules ; A practical method --
pt. 3. Creative thinking. 8. Problem solving 1: analogies : Good thinkers ; Learning to become a good thinker ; Finding 'what if' questions, analogies ; Effective analogies ; Misleading analogies
9. Problem solving 2: adapting structures : Working with the structure
pt. 4. Critical thinking. 10. Thinking with arguments 1: the components : Two kinds of thinking ; Checking the components, what sort of premises are there? ; Are any missing
11. Thinking with arguments 2: the connections : Qualifiers ; Distributing our terms ; Processing our terms ; Illicit conversion ; Illicit obversion ; Affirming the consequent and denying the antecedent ; Necessary and sufficient conditions 12. Thinking with evidence 1: describing it : Inductive thinking ; Untypical examples and insufficient or weighted evidence ; Exaggerating or underestimating evidence ; Testing descriptions of evidence 13. Thinking with evidence 2: drawing relevant inferences : Using analogies ; Creating causal connections 14. Thinking with evidence 3: drawing reliable inferences : Oversimplifying ; Invalid causal connections
15. Thinking with language 1: clarity
16. Thinking with language 2: consistency : Flexibility ; Consistency
pt. 5. Moral thinking: a case study. 17. Moral thinking 1: generating ideas : Generating moral facts ; Empathy and imagination ; Universalism ; Does and don'ts
18. Moral thinking 2: structuring ideas : Synthesis, from the specific to the general ; Normative issues to normative principles ; The converter ; Structuring, tracing their interrelations ; Hierarchy
19. Moral thinking 3: designing solutions : One dominant normative principle ; Choosing the best solution ; Working with our structures
20. Moral thinking 4: evaluating solutions : Arguments ; Evidence ; Language
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