Two projects; the significance of sex and love; secret pictures; sexual pluralism
A history of the philosophy of sex and love
The ancients; medieval philosophy; modern philosophy; the twentieth century; contemporary philosophy
Analytic questions; sexual activity; sexual desire; social constructionism; polysemicity (polysemy); sexual sensations
St. Thomas Aquinas; problems with natural law; psychological perversion; psychiatry and perversion; a conceptual framework
Contraception; beyond natural law; Immanuel Kant; contemporary Kantian philosophy; utilitarianism; sadomasochism; love
Consent, again; pedophilia; prostitution and marriage; marital rape; compulsory heterosexuality; pornography
What is love?; love and value; eros and agape; evaluating and assessing love; the fine gold thread; concern and benevolence; union
Tangles in theories of love; exclusivity; uniqueness; irreplaceability; constancy; reciprocity
Pauline marriage; the links; sex and love; the death of desire; saving marriage; reasons for monogamy; reasons for marriage
Women and men; gender and sex surveys; heterosexual failure; gendered sexuality; gendered love