Sec. 1. The basics of growing African violets
Light : It makes a shining difference
Water : The essential growing factor
Choosing the ideal violet pot
The scoop on dirt : Choosing the correct potting medium
The art of fertilizing...just enough
Air and temperature - the invisible growing factors
Sec. 2. Special techniques
Propagating by leaf cuttings
Maintaining a single crown and dealing with suckers
Secrets to blooming success
Getting a violet to bloom on schedule
Big and beautiful : Growing huge African violets
Different kinds of violets
Life on the edge : Growing variegated violets
Sec. 3. Beyond the fundamentals
A beginner's guide to judging
Good grooming for violets
What yo need to know about pests and pesticides
Keeping cultural practices in balance
Can this violet be saved?
Where do violets come from?
Beginner's guide to hybridizing
The sporting world of African violets
Introducing the relatives : The gesneriad family
Good investments - buying violets by mail order
Survival techniques for violets when the owner must be away
African violets myths and the real truth
What kind of grower are you?