The woman's heart: an owner's guide
Prometheus Books
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Table of Contents
From the Book
Introduction : The "broken heart" syndrome
The female heart
Diseases of the heart
Phases of a woman's life : what are the heart risks?
Are you a woman at risk for heart disease?
How do you know if you have a heart problem?
The heart of the matter on hormone therapy and oral contraception
Medications to treat heart disease
Herbal and natural supplements : how effective and safe are they?
Stress, depression, and anger : is your heart at emotional risk?
Cardiac testing
Procedures and surgery : why women do more poorly than men
Genetics and the female heart : what you should know about your genetic legacy
Living with heart disease
Nine more things you need to know
Prospects for the future
Appendix: Increase your strength and stay healthy
Introduction : The "broken heart" syndrome --
ch. 1. The female heart --
1. Normal structure and function --
2. Anatomy and physiology of a woman - how the female heart differs --
3. Changes associated with pregnancy --
ch. 2. Diseases of the heart --
1. Vessels - coronary artery disease --
2. Valves - mitral valve disease (including mitral valve prolapse), aortic valve disease --
3. Rhythm - irregular heart rhythms frequently seen in women --
4. Muscle - causes for heart muscle failure --
ch. 3. Phases of a woman's life : what are the heart risks? --
1. Younger than forty-five : the "Honeymoon" period - 2. Ages forty-five to sixty-five : the beginning of change and menopause --
3. Older than sixty-five : aging and the female heart --
ch.4. Are you woman at risk for heart disease? --
1. Does age impact your risk? --
2. Do race and ethnicity impact your risk? --
3. How does family history affect your risk? --
4. The danger of diabetes in women --
5. Tobacco can make a woman's life go up in smoke --
6. Hypertension : the silent killer of women --
7. Are women treated appropriately for high cholesterol? --
8. Obesity : the growing risk factor for women of all ages --
9. Is your diet a heart health hazard? --
ch. 5. How do you know if you have a heart problem? --
1. Are a woman's symptoms different from a man's? --
2. Know the symptoms --
3. What are the risk factors for women? --
4. Take action against heart disease --
5. Cardiac rehabilitation --
ch. 6. The heart of the matter on hormone therapy and oral contraception --
1. Hormone therapy --
2. Oral contraception --
ch. 7. Medications to treat heart disease --
1. Beta blockers --
2. Diuretics --
3. ACE inhibitors --
4. Antiotensin II receptor blockers --
5. Calcium channel blockers --
6. Statins --
7. Fibrates --
8. Other lipid-altering medications --
9. Aspirin --
10. Other blood thinning medications --
ch. 8. Herbal and natural supplements : how effective and safe are they? --
1. Overview --
2. Black cohosh --
3. Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) --
4. Ephedrine and ephedra (Ma huang) --
5. Fish oil --
6. Flaxseed --
7. Garlic --
8. Ginkgo biloba --
9. Plant stanols and sterols --
10. Red yeast rice --
10. Soy protein --
12. St. John's wort --
ch. 9. Stress, depression, and anger : is your heart at emotional risk? --
1. The effects of stress on a woman's heart and health --
2. Depression - often overlooked but a serious risk to women --
3. Methods and treatments to handle stress --
ch. 10. Cardiac testing --
1. What is the best test for women and why? --
2. Electrophysiologic testing --
3. Stress testing --
4. Angiography --
ch. 11. Procedures and surgery : why women do more poorly than men --
1. Angioplasty --
2. Coronary artery bypass surgery --
3. Valve surgery --
4. Pacemakers and defibrillators --
5. Heart transplantation --
6. The artificial heart --
ch. 12. Genetics and the female heart : what you should know about your genetic legacy --
1. Case vignette : three generations of aortic dissection --
2. Case vignette : another family with aortic disection --
3. The importance of heredity --
ch. 13. Living with heart disease --
1. Knowing your options --
2. Accepting the diagnosis --
3. Support from family members --
4. Lifestyle modifications --
ch. 15. Nine more things you need to know --
1. How are women protected from arteriosclerosis until menopause? --
2. How about the "pill"? Is it really as bad as they say? --
3. I heard on TV that my migraines might be caused by a hole in my heart. How can this be? --
4. Does a woman need any special wound care after open heart surgery? --
5. I don't want the incision down the middle of my chest. What alternatives do I have? --
6. What are the dangers of pregnancy on the heart? --
7. What is peri-partum cardiomyopathy? --
8. What is peri-partum aortic dissection? --
9. How does heart disease affect sexuality in woman? --
ch. 15. Prospects for the future --
Appendix : Increase your strength and stay healthy --
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